Author Archives: rollinsnh5

Approach – Create Your Own Story

My Intent is to develop a website where someone can tell any story they want. Whether it be an Autobotography, or a silly story. Upon writing your story, you can insert a media link at anytime that would migrate you to an image or short clip of your choice to describe what it is you are talking about. This would be a great way to get younger kids to start blogging in a sense and prepare them for their later years. I want my project to look similar to this one. The project posted below is from





The Link to my project is;|2204&p=art|2205

Intent – Create Your Own Story

My Intent is to develop a website where someone can tell any story they want. Whether it be an Autobotography, or a silly story. Upon writing your story, you can insert a media link at anytime that would migrate you to an image or short clip of your choice to describe what it is you are talking about. This would be a great way to get younger kids to start blogging in a sense and prepare them for their later years.


The Link to my Intent is;|2204&p=art|2205

Approach – My Autobotchristmas Tree Story

My Intent Is to create an autobotography that anyone can view so that bloggers, families, or anyone can make a digital autobotography and share it with their friends! My plan is the create a home page that has a christmas tree on it. There will be an add new button that produces a new ornament every time you click add new. Doing this will allow you to post pictures and write a little something about it. You can then share it and browse other members projects. This is a mock up design of how I would want my home page to look like.



The Link to my project is;|2204

Intent – My Autobotchristmas Tree Story

My Intent Is to create an autobotography that anyone can view so that bloggers, families, or anyone can make a digital autobotography and share it with their friends! My plan is the create a home page that has a christmas tree on it. There will be an add new button that produces a new ornament every time you click add new. Doing this will allow you to post pictures and write a little something about it. You can then share it and browse other members projects.

The Link to my Intent is;|2204

Intent – Stop the Ban

Smoking is now banned on Campus at the University of Maine in Orono. However, an enormous amount of student that live on and off campus and faculty members, smoke! My question is something that I have been trying to figure out for myself. How can you ban something legal on government owned property? Not only that, but a place where I pay to live, eat, sleep and go to class.


The Link to my Intent is;|2061

Autobotography Find

Life’s Bridge

Life’s Bridge is an Autobiographic Journal Service designed to store your complete life’s story in text, video and audio on fixed media or on-line.

Life’s Bridge is an example of an autobotography because it is everything an autobotography is! It is a place where you can tell your stories and post media to represent them. Plus, it is very easy to use. This project was made in Twitter, so this project is very well known and used by many.


The Link to Life’s Bridge is;!/Lifes_bridge

Edge of Art – Chapter 1 – Code as Muse

When you hear the word art, what do you ponder about? Perhaps an original Da Vinci hanging on the wall or the project you were forced to create last semester. The technological age is here, and it is coming fast, ready or not. Computerized art has made a bit hit in the last couple of decades, whether it was intended to be art or not. Every pixel counts, every color counts, every line of code you type is a work of art. Generating something unbelievable to the normal eye with just a few clicks is beyond my comprehension.  The new age art has many new advances compared to the basic for of art where you are restricted to your canvas. On a computer you can use the program Paint, Photoshop, use binary code, generate art, you can use code to make art, and the list goes on. There are no boundaries. There are no rules. You can create your own medium even and still have it be considered art.

Cyborg Manifesto, Donna Harraway

1-What is a cyborg, or rather why is thinking about cyborgs useful for exploring identity? Is identity single? dualistic? paradoxical? What rolled does gender paly in cyborg identity vs conventional cultural identity?

– A cyborg is a cybernetic organism, a hybrid of machine and organism. You can find yourself and the mirror. Being a cyborg can help you create you and what you want to be. You can create a new you online and it can be a complete secret. You can have as many identities as you please, which could create a massive problem.

2-Give two examples of cyborgs in books, comics, games, or films you have seen. Describe the cyborg, explain its role in the work, then explain what new perspectives it brings to identity.

– The movie Transformers shows us an example of a cyborg. The robots that are the characters in the movie have a human feel to them because they are in the form of a human. They also have feelings and act just like a human with morals would. Transformers give cyborgs a good name, which makes them seem trustworthy. Frankenstein is another example of a cyborg, perhaps one of the firsts. Frankenstein made his monster on an operating table using technology. This is a half human, half technology. This example is not as pleasing as the Transformers, however, technology is a scary thing sometimes.

3-What does Haraway mean when she writes “ the production of a universal, totalizing theory is a major mistake” How does the metaphor of the cyborg undermine the totalizing theories or dualisms that Haraway feels are damaging to our society?

– She is explaining how we are missing out on reality. We are so caught up in this cyborg world that we don not have time enough to step back into reality and understand the serious issues that are going on around us today. The new digital and technological lives that we carry on today are structured around technologies and cyborgs so much that we have accepted them into our daily lives.

4-How does her cyborg challenge the white, male, heterosexual bias of our culture? (this bias, for example discourages or punishes white males when acting feminine, or wild or gay; or it rewards women who act like men or like heterosexuals; it is not necessarily good for white male heterosexuals, as it boxes them into this role too) How does the ‘monstrous’ liberate us? How is this like code art “perversion”?

– It encourages males to be strong and be the protector. This is what men were intended to do. To be the head of the household, provide for their family, and be the leader. If you act feminine or gay, it demotes you to being not as strong. With women doing things just as good as men can and working the same jobs while earning as much as men, this can be a challenge to fight for the top of the food chain.

5-What is liberating, and what is dangerous about a human/machine symbiosis?

-It is a great thing to know that we have come this far this day and age to create a nonhuman human. To create something from our sources we are provided that is truly amazing. However, it can be a dangerous thing. We are beginning to treat technology as if it is a higher power, a god. Sadly enough, it is starting to become one. We are taking away from our natural selves, and replacing it with a computerized feature. I could see the world convert to a cyborg community, nothing but humans wanting to be a part of technology.

6-Would you consider yourself a cyborg? Explain how you are or are not a cyborg. Would you like to be a cyborg (sometimes, never, only in play, only when serious)?

-I am not a cyborg. I am a human with no circuits attached. I do not make myself known to the world on the Internet. I do however have a Facebook to get in touch with my friends and have this blogging website. I do not see myself in tact with technology as a whole, however I do feel comfortable with using technology.

Edge of Art – Chapter 3 – Autobotography

1-What are some of the reasons for a surge in digital autobiographical production from “home pages” to “wearcams”?

– New Media is always changing, always making it possible for the impossible. When new documentary tools flooded the web, like webcams, Flash and QuickTime movies, and blogs became available, a revolution started. These tools make it easier for bloggers and family members wanting to share their lives and stories to all of their viewers. Autobotographies reveals relationships of individuals to their new contexts or communities of the Internet age.

2-What is the role of autobotography vis-a-vis technology’s “narcotic effect”?

– Autobotography provides us with images of who we have become in front of the new mirror. The most powerful autobotographies help us to see both ourselves and the mirror; thus they disrupt the new technology’s narcotic effect. What autobotography reveals are technological memes which describe how we are being inhabited by our latest tools and how our tools are embodying us.

3-Jennicam gives us an example of the pleasures of self-disclosure, Mann’s WearCams give an example of the dangers of surveillance. Are there dangers in Jennifer Ringley’s work (or similar projects)? And what might those dangers be? Conversely, are there any pleasures in Stephen Mann’s WearCams?

– Yes, there are dangers in Jennifer’s work. Since she shows her whole life, people can get to know her, even in a weird sense. There are stockers that will do anything to find people and not only that but revealing her who life on the Internet for anyone can see can cause a lot of physical and mental disruption in her life. And there are pleasures with the Wearcam. It could be used for a lot of different events and it is a very useful product to have. Plus, it looks like a lot of fun to use.

4-Explain how 2 of the blogging projects reshapes our sense of self, life, or writing.

– Jennicam shows us how a life of a student is really like. It started a trend of mass amounts of people doing the same thing. It provides entertainment for the viewers and it helps you get intact with both ourselves and the mirror. Another project, the Wearcam, was the start of something new. Something like this had not happened yet, at the time, and was making a huge impact. Not only did it help with surveillance but could be used for blogging your own life which turned this useful equipment into a hobby.

5-Pick one of the “moving self-portraits” and explain how the project evokes the mystery of our contemporary lives. What kinds of issues does the portrait raise?

– Blogging a Birth is a very useful spot to sit down if you have questions and find that answer. Not only can you find the answer that you were searching for, you can gain more from just reading posts. If you are a first time mother and do not know what to expect, you can witness someone’s whole pregnancy stage online to help you on your way.

6-Katherine Hayles speaks of the “post-human” in describing the cyborgian entities we have become. How do the artists of this chapter create autobotographies of this “post-human” cyborg? Consider, for example Life Sharing and [phage].

-These autobotography artists are like cyborgs. It is almost as if they are part human and part cyborg. They are sharing their lives using technology and only can be viewed from technology. This makes them seem half human and half computer.

7-How do digital artists examine the commodification of the self? How has the self become another consumer good, or how does a human being get reduced to a “consumer”? Which digital projects raise theese questions and how do they do it?

– When you are posted on the Internet and people pay you to watch your life or just watch animations of yourself in awkward positions, you are a product. It is like selling yourself to the computer age and you are a part of it. You become less human and are seen more of an object that an actually person.

8-Describe the autobotography of “invented selves” or avatars. How do Female Extension and Darko Maver raise questions about the nature of digital selves. Why do they use invented selves and what are the reasons for doing so and the effects of their choices?

– Invented selves are any alias you have with the Internet. Whether it is Email nicknames, chat-room handles, game characters, or an avatar. People create these because they can be who they want to be without the criticism of the world and how they should be in today’s society. It is a break from reality to do what you want. It is your world and you can create anything you want and be who you want without any rebacutions.

Theatre of the Oppressed, Augusto Boal

Theater of the Oppressed, Augusto Boal

1) What’s the most sever consequence for Boal of his Interactive techniques? Why does his “interactivity” elicit such a violent response?

– Boal has already been to jail for his Interactive techniques. Boal’s colleagues were murdered by the military government and he was jailed and tortured for 3 months and was warned that he would never be safe after his release. Boal has already seen the most sever consequences. The government is doing this to him because he is helping and warning people about what they are doing to them. He helps ordinary people open their eyes to see what is really going on and when the government is made aware of this, they see a need to stop it at once because they do not want to be found out.

2) Why is “knowing the body” so important to the power of Boal’s techniques? WHat does “knowing the body” have to do with interactivity? passivity? hierarchy? resistance?

– “Knowing the body” is important and the first step to Boal’s process. It is important to stand out and be the leader, the hierarchy of a small community to stand up and let your voice be heard. When you know what you are talking about and show it and tell what you can do, people will listen. Especially if it involves them and making their lives more easy to live.

3) Why are Boal’s techniques called “The Sims of the Oppressed”?

– Boal’s techniques are called “The Sims of the Oppressed” because he is allowing users to explore characters and their situations more thoroughly than a new video game can.

4) In simultaneous dramaturgy the actors present a local problem to the crisis point, then invite local people to suggest solutions to the scene. The example is an illiterate women who discovers her husband’s secret documents are love letters from a mistress. The problem is how is she to get revenge without it hurting her? Now think of a situation of injustice in which you felt a powerful impulse to act, but in which your actions could have hurt you or someone else. Describe this scene. Could you imagine it in a game scene with various solutions?

– A situation that I can relate to that jumps in my head at first thought is the new policy that the University of Maine released. They banned cigarettes on campus. I am a smoker, I pay thousands of dollars to live on campus and eat on campus, and also pay for classes. This is my secondary home. How can people that do not even live on campus, that do not even attend school on campus even have a say about how the living styles should be? In my opinion, they do not have a say in this case. I will keep smoking cigarettes on campus, even though I could get fined, or get sent to a drug and alcohol conduct meeting, which stays on my record. They treat smokers like criminals and it needs to be stopped. I for one am not giving into this policy.

5)What is image theater and how & why does it work?

– An image theatre is making an issue or statement known to a group of people and without responding verbally, you can identify everyone’s opinions by their stature and facial expressions. It is as if you are sculpting the audience into what you are trying to make.

6) What are the rules of invisible theater and how does it work?

– An Invisible Theatre is when someone has no particular audience and does not present himself in a theatrical setting. It is more of a public announcement and by standers who are passing will hear and remember certain quotes that may stick with them, or keep them listening. Rehearsing and having a script to read is ideal for this kind of presentation.

7) Why is spectator a bad word? In what ways is a spectator less than a man? What is the antidote? How does interactive theater liberate passive spectators and transform society? How is interactive theater (or Occupy) practice for revolution, and why is revolution necessary?

– Spectator is a bad word because it means that you are less than an man and it is necessary to humanize him, to restore to him his capacity of action in all its fullest. It demotes the man who is listening because it is as if you are telling him something that he doesn’t know. It is demoting.

Skate UMaine

This is a project that Neal Timoney and I created. It allows you to browse through the university and discover different skate spot locations, along with either a short skate video or picture of skateboarders skating the spot. The stars represent how likely it is to be kicked out. 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest. The Intent of this project is to get the new, incoming freshman a heads up about where to skate on campus.

The link to our project is below.

Social Realism in Gaming

Alex Galloway quotes Bruno Reichlin when describing a kind of realism applicable to games:

“A surgical examination of matters of society, an almost documentary attention to the everyday, an adherence in thought and language to the social origins and personalities of the characters, a more-or-less direct criticism of current society and morals.”

To reiterate:

  • social analysis
  • documenting everyday
  • character development (and background)
  • critique of current culture


– If you have ever played The Sims, you would most likely agree with me that this is a realistic game. In this game, you first create your own sim. The customization when building your character is very useful. You can decide the hair style, horoscope sign, clothes, strengths and weaknesses, facial features, turn ons and turn offs, and even your ambition in your sim’s life! You choose your own fate by playing out the life style of your character. Playing this game can be tedious at times if you decided to live a realistic life. It is just like living a real life. Balancing a job, trying to raise your skills in order to get promoted and earn more, taking care of your families needs, (if you decide to have one), all while trying to fulfill your own sim’s needs. Sim’s needs are those of a real person. He needs to eat, sleep, enjoy himself, socialize with other sims, etc. Failing to keep up with your sim’s needs results in a different failure depending on the need you neglected. You could get demoted, loose friends, have an accident if you don’t get to the bathroom on time, and even death! This game’s structure is how today’s society really is and how we act. If you have no job, you get no money, which leads to no food, no entertainment, and your sim will amount to nothing (Unless you have the money cheat). In order to succeed, you need money and you need to improve your skills, just like the real world, and it will benefit you.

– Call of Duty is a game the seems realistic, but without a doubt it is pure fantasy. The campaign seems real enough to believe this is how any actual war plays out. However, there is much more to war than chasing down a red dot on your map and terminating your rivals. While in the game play, you are in a first person view, only seeing your weapon. This gives you the vibe that you are this soldier. The graphics in this game are so up to date that you could easily confuse yourself in believing that this is real world you’re playing in. The customization of the character in this game is not as complex as in The Sims but you can choose your face paint, weapons, and different gear, depending on which perks you give your character. Perks are different options you can unlock as you gain experience in the game that help you whiling playing. For example, one of the perks is called “hacker”. Having this perk allows you to spot out claymores and other players motion sensors, reviling their location. Realistically, this could not happen, along with a few more perks that are very beneficial but no human being would be capable of preforming these different techniques. Playing online is also very unrealistic. You are separated in two, six player teams and blatantly kill the other team without a cause in a small, refined area. If you are a regular player, you are slowly being corrupted with the false information it teaches you about war. With such high quality graphics, it’s so easy to get sucked into this game, which makes it worse, continually witnessing soldiers die without a cause. Watching this enough will warp your mind into somewhat believing that killing people for no reason is somewhat okay. This is eventually grow on you and you won’t even blink an eye from watching a person being blown up because you are so use to seeing this happen. This game promotes chaotic killing all while demonstrating a war, feeding lies to the player to believe this is what war is all about. Call of Duty is a fantasy game, with realistic qualities, and also incredibly addicting.

Edge of Art: Deep Play

Why do US Army recruiters use games to both recruit and train soldiers? What is being trained or learned? Why is it effective, or is it?


– Video games in today’s society are so up to date that a majority of the time when I walk by a television, it is hard for me to differentiate whether a game is being played or I am actually watching a show. This is where Realism comes into play. Games are so incredibly coded that the graphics portray scenes that seem real. You can create a world that you can manipulate and play God. But are these games too real? These games are real enough for the US Army, for the fact it is how they recruit soldiers! “Inspired by the number-one online action game Counterstrike, an anti-terrorist game based on the HalfLife engine, America’s Army promises players authentic state-of-the-art military experience while training for and combating terrorism in simulated mission” ( Joline Blais, Edge of Art) This can be very beneficial for the Army so   they can determine how the soldier will act in certain situations. For example, if a person gets nauseaus from watching a pixelated human explode, you will know how he will act when that situation happens in real life. Looking at this topic from the opposite side, you can also determain a person who has no morals. If someone is carelessly nuking everything and everyone and getting enjoyment from this, would you honestly strap a gun to his chest and expect good to come from it? “America’s Army boasts two kinds of gameplay: ‘Operations’, a firstperson action game, and ‘Soldiers’, a goal-based role-playing simulation.” ( Joline Blais, Edge of Art) This is a very helpful tool for the right people to get trained for what they are expected to see. The problem with this situation is that some people can not handle this, especially the younger crowd which is clearly their main target. Considering Counterstrike is a free downloadable game, anyone can have access to this game, I even use to play it in high school. Some people play these games so often, witnessing what looks like real people dying horrible deaths, that it has no effect on them whatsoever. They can not determine what is morally right from wrong so witnessing a tragic death could leave them emotionless.  Garbage in, garbage out.





Edge of Art, Chapter 4

1. Describe the difference between Political Design and Hacktivist Art. Use an example of each and describe how that work fits the category of design or art.

– Political Design and Hacktivist Art go hand in hand with one another, usually trying to get the same message across. However, they differ from one another. Political Design attempts to change the world directly with force while Hacktivist Art tries to question it with humor. Hacktivist artists sometimes emulate the high aspirations and the solid programming skills of a particular species of activist that might be called a political designer. DeCSS is an example of Political Design because it challenges what is legal and shows what hacktivists are really capable. Whereas Reamweaver demonstrates Hacktivist Art, revealing what is not meant to seen in a humorous manner.


2. What does execution mean? How does it relate to computers (ie .exe files). What are some example of executatble art? How is execution different from representation? In other words how does each realte to the media paradigms of one-to-many vs many-to-many?

– Execution means to turn the potential power of instructions into the actual power of behavior. ‘To execute’
means to enact the code, turning the code into an actual act, preforming what the code is intended to do. Execution and representation are both related in getting a message across, but are completely different acts. A person can execute a project that can move people and bring up a lot of questions. Representation is just being on a side and supporting or showing what you believe.


3. Why do you think Hacktivist artists find themselves hacking capitalist and political structures that most other people revere? What problem or dangers do they see in these forms of power? Use sample projects to answer this question.

– What would you say is the most impossible system to hack? Maybe the government’s system? Hacktivists see this as a challenge, doing the impossible and finding out the truth. Hacktivists have more power than the government when they can tap into what is not meant to be seen by the media and revealing it to the public. The Yes Men show how you can simply change the minds of a large amount of people, even a country, by hacking into different places and telling people the truth behind an evil scam.




Hacktivism Find

Journal of Aesthetics and Protest: Oaxaca


Back in 2006, the situation in Oaxaca, Mexico had become extremely dangerous. The paramilitary assassinations escalated to the point that the city was being occupied by federal troops and the Mexican army who were rounding up innocent people and disappearing them. It’s urgent that the international community takes action to let the Mexican government know that their actions are not going unnoticed.

This Group gives a list of hierarchies’ mailing addresses so that you can personally send the president, governor, National Security, etc. a letter telling them that what they are doing is wrong.


Hacktivism Project Find

Networked Music Review Commission: “ItSpace”

By Peter Traub


“ItSpace” creates a network of pages within the social networking site MySpace. Instead of people, the pages feature everyday household objects from the artist’s house. Each page has a photo of the object, a description, and most importantly, a 1-minute piece composed of samples of the object being struck, resonated, and so forth. All the pages, or objects, are ‘friends’ with each other, so that visitors who discover one object may jump to the others to see their profiles and hear their sounds. Visitors to the site are invited to create new “ItSpace” pages with pieces made from their own household objects and link those in as ‘friends’ of the original set. “ItSpace” is a 2007 commission of New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc. for Networked_Music_Review. It was made possible with funding from the New York State Music Fund, established by the New York State Attorney General at Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.

Autobotography Finds


Connor has a very unique way of showing his autobotography. He organized his life into different year segments after he graduated high school, creating his own autobotography. He illustrates his life in a paragraph or so for each year. In every sentence, there is a link which you can click that will either bring you to youtube or flicker. When transferred to the site, it will either show a movie clip or an image, showing exactly what he is describing in his autobotography.




A Defining Moment in Human History, David Korten

1- What is the structure of Empire? How does this structure relate to Crosbie’s definitions of Broadcast vs New Media?’

– The structure of Empire is made up by power. The hierarchy continues to push us to make us feel smaller and powerless. We buy up their products, just like they want us to, putting our planet in jeopardy as they continue to use more of our planets resources than it can provide. They are using all of it so soon there will be none. David describes that structure of Empire is made up by hierarchies and their power to control us in a sense. This relates to Crosbie;s definition of broadcast vs. New Media because the hierarchy advertises these products to us, making us feel as if this product is unique and just for the consumer. The participant can choose whether or not it meets his needs or interests, usually tricking us into purchasing it.

2-What is the relationship between rampant consumerism and cultural/ecological collapse?

– We all see commercials and advertisements selling their products everyday. In order to be a part of our society, we are told that we need to shop. Our country has the understanding that we need to consume in order to succeed. However, this is just a scheme to make the richer richer, and the poorer poorer. When we buy up these goods, do we really know where they came from and the story behind which it was made? It may seem like we were in an economical growth, but the pattern turned elsewhere. More and more people are getting excluded and getting forced into lives with a greater desperation. Forest systems are collapsing, coral reef systems are getting destroyed and rivers are being polluted greatly. Nature is slowing being destroyed to they point that soon it could be gone forever and will not be able to provide the resources we truly need.

How Occupy Wall Street Changes Everything, Sarah Van Gelder

1-What is changed by the Occupy movement?

– The Occupy Movement changes the way everyone is thinking. It has exposed the truth about how the 1% are getting richer and richer while making the 99% become poorer and poorer. Since nothing is happening about this situation, we the people have to fix this ourselves.



2-How is the occupy movement practicing the use of horizontal power? How does this frustrate the status quo power structures? Is the “People’s Mic” broadcast or network (ie new) media?

– The occupy movement community is respectful, supportive, and inclusive. They look out for each other because they are all supporting the same thing and standing up for what they feel is right. This frustrates power structures because they are being exposed for who they really are and there is nothing they can do about it! After all, which side would the normal every day citizen choose? Cooperate or the people? Definitely the people after realizing what people in power are capable of. The People’s Mic is a form of broadcasting because it is one person broadcasting information among a crowd of people and the crowd can individually decide his or her opinion based off the announcement.

The World Needs See With Fresh Eyes, Eli Pariser

1-“Professor Anne O’Dwyer taught me about cognitive dissonance – the psychological discomfort which occurs when you’re confronted with a set of facts suggesting that what you’re doing or believing is irrational or stupid. You pay $10 to go to a movie, and the movie is pretty bad. But rather than admit that you wasted $10, there’s a tendency to say it isn’t wasn’t really so bad: the acting was impressive, the special effects looked really realistic – whatever you need to tell yourself to convince yourself that you got your money’s worth. You want to feel like you’re not a sucker. We paper over the cognitive dissonance in much of what we do – the fact that this clearly isn’t the best way to be ordering a society, to be living a life – because we’ve got an awful lot invested in the route we’ve been pursuing. To admit that it’s flawed would be too much dissonance to handle.” Pick an issue which you believe the media has “papered over”. Describe how you figured out you were not getting the whole truth. What was the more complex truth & why was it hidden (or more important who benefits from the partial truth & who loses? )What is the cost to you and what can you do about it?


2011.A.5.O Tobacco Free Campus The use of tobacco and all smoking products is not permitted on any university-owned property, which includes but is not limited to, buildings, university grounds, parking areas, walkways, recreational and sporting facilities and university-owned vehicles.

Tobacco use by definition includes the possession of any lighted tobacco products, or the use of any type of smokeless tobacco.


– The new smoking policy on campus has been “papered over”. I believe there is a further reason to why they made this policy and they are just not telling us. A lot of student and faculty members smoke. Faculty members do not have long enough breaks to go off campus for a cigarette, and neither do students who have fifteen minutes in between classes. As a smoker, a student, and a resident of UMO, this is a big issue for me. Why should people that do not even live on campus have a say in this whatsoever? Better yet, how does the University have the power to ban something completely legal on government grounds and a place where a pay a lot of money to live, eat, and attend class. Also, if you get caught smoking a cigarette on campus, you get a lovely fine and get referred to student affairs for Drugs and Alcohol. Is it fair they treat smokers like criminals? Isn’t smoking legal? It was when I applied and got accepted here. I think our campus is doing this to make them look better, just like the green campus initiative.



2-In what way have you been encouraged to “sit back, relax, and enjoy the show” and how can you “grab the steering wheel before we go over the edge”?


– With the new policy in effect, we are encouraged to sit back and take it. When I returned from break, I noticed they cut down all of the branches on a pine tree where smokers would go to smoke. We use to be hidden and not disturbing people because we were out of the way. Apparently they found the need to chop off all the branches exposing whoever tries to light a cigarette. However, I dug into this a little deeper and found out there is a huge issue with destroying or modifying things like trees on campus. This must have been a huge process with a lot of people agreeing to execute this discussion. For having a green campus, I did not know destroying trees to keep smokers away was green thinking.

What is New Media? -Vin Crosbie

1-What are the three transportation media? What is the difference between a transport medium and a transport vehicle?

– The three transportation media are land, water and air. The difference between a transport medium and a transport vehicle is that a transport medium is a way to travel. For example it can be by land, water and air. A transport vehicle is how you travel.


2-What are the three communication media? Give examples of communication media vs. communication vehicles. Email uses which communication medium?

– One to one. –  Postal letter, telephone call, and electronic mail.

– One to many – A speech, newspapers, and radio.

– Many to many – Internet, blogs and facebook.


3-What are the advantages/disadvantages of interpersonal communication? of broadcast communication?

– The advantages of interpersonal communication are each participant in it has equal and mutual control of the subject matter conveyed. That content can be individualized to each participant’s unique needs and interests. The disadvantage is more people participating in a conversation, the less control each has over its content and how well that content matches the participant’s individual needs and interests.

– The advantages of broadcast communication is that exactly the same content goes to all recipients and the one who sends it has complete control over the content. The disadvantage is its content can’t be individualized to each person’s unique needs and interests and the recipients have no control over that content.


4-What are the characteristics of the New Medium? Is a many-to-many communication possible without the new technology of laptop, iphone and internet?

– The characteristics of the New Medium are that its uniquely individualized information can simultaneously be delivered or displayed to a potentially infinite number of people and each of the people are involved. I do not believe it is possible to have this medium without the help of technology.